Failure does not exist

Failure is just an idea when things don’t go according to one’s plan.

Failure does not exist until we accept it. Failure is an idea that we have when things don’t go as we planned.

The reality is, we just found a way that doesn’t work. This is a lesson that we took and learned something from it, which will lead us to the right path. You do not find the right path from the beginning. You have to start, and eventually you’ll find the right one through trial and error.

Failures are the steps that take you to your desired destination. There’s not an elevator to success, we have to take the stairs and each failure is a stair that takes us to the top.

We cannot predict the future. It’s impossible to know how everything will turn out all the way to the end result. No one knows what he or she is going to face face during the process.

“Failure does not exist. Failure is simply someone else’s opinion of how a certain act should have been completed” — Wayne Dyer

And failure is a negative word, gives a negative image in one’s brain. A mind programming hack is to replace the word “failure” with “lesson”.

The moment I switched the word failure with lesson, my life started changing. No successful man became successful from the first try. We have to try, fail, learn and start again. This is how we grow mentally, emotionally, intellectually and this is how we achieve our goals. You just have to keep a positive attitude and keep going without losing faith.

There is no one-hit-wonder. If we don’t learn, how are we going to achieve success in a specific industry or area in our life? If we don’t make a bad investment, how are we going to know what is a bad investment? If we don’t lose some customers, how are we going to know what works and what doesn’t?

Another mind reprograming hack is to focus only on the daily tasks. When you detach from the outcome and only focus on the tasks, you’ll see that failure really does not exist.

To recap, replace the word “failure” with “lesson”, and detach from the outcome. Focus only on the daily tasks that will take you there.

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