You don't need advice from anyone

How people trap themselves by becoming obedient

We were programmed since our childhood to do what everybody else is doing. We were told to avoid being different, and just follow the rules without questioning them.

“Don’t try to do something different because no one’s done that before, just do what has been done by others. Be copycat not an original”. That’s how most parents and teachers think.

In school, we were told to do exactly what our teachers told us to do. To study what our teachers told us to study. To learn what our teachers told us to learn. We were told that we have to be excellent students if we wanted a bright future.

But if our teachers are not happy and fulfilled, why do we have to listen to them? And why do we have to follow their own way of thinking? Why schools are not places to discover our own passions and talents and work on them? Why do we have to do repetitive boring useless staff and question nothing?

If you study people had a big impact in the world, you’re most probably you find out that they were troublemakers back in school. They questioned everything, didn’t followed rules, and didn’t let themselves be discouraged when no one believed in their vision.

You’ll also notice that people who are unsatisfied with their life, their job and their income were most probably really good students. I believe that the reason for this is because they believed so much in the education system and followed everyone’s advice without taking any authority over their life.

They were just blindly following rules and everyone else’s opinion without ever doing what they wanted to do. These people follow the path that everyone else is following. They are being led by the system, instead of creating their own path. And when they finally find out how much time they have wasted by listening to other people’s advice, it’s a bit late to make drastic changes.

“Millions of educated people pursue their profession successfully, but later find themselves struggling financially” — Robert Kiyosaki

Then you notice the other kind of people. The outlaws. The few ones. The ones that offer real value to the world.

These people were probably average students. Average students have higher odds on living a more fulfilled life because they know how to manage their time and energy. They know what matters most, and they know what they want to do. They spent most of their time and energy in other things instead on the unnecessary school stuff. They used critical thinking instead of blindly following rules.

Doing that from a young age shapes tends to make one more valuable to society. People that blindly follow rules without questioning anything will have the same career, the same goals and the same level of impact in this world as all the other average people.

The problem with most people is that they are programmed to be obedient. They unconsciously locked themselves in a cage, blinded themselves from opportunities, restricted themselves from creating a bigger impact in the world.

Teachers are educating but they never question the education system. Lawyers are committed to their legal careers but they never question the legal system. Doctors never question the health care system. Excellent students never question the reason that they have to learn all that stuff.

“If we have learned anything, it is the horror that can happen when people don’t think for themselves, but instead follow authority blindly” — Jacqueline Novogratz

Of course there’s nothing wrong if you really want to become a doctor, a lawyer, or whatever. We need these people in our society, but we also need original people more than ever before. We need more leaders who can bring forth change. We need more visionaries who can build a better future for our next generations. We need more people with courage, we need more people who are self-aware, we need more people who question the rules and the laws. These people are the game changers. Only these kind of people can change the world, and it all starts from a young age. Don’t let your kids become obedient.

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